Company Conflict Minerals Policy Statement
February 28th, 2016
Company Conflict Minerals Policy Statement
Sustainable conduct forms the basis of our business decisions and dealings with our stakeholders. Adherence to applicable laws, recommended guidelines and internal policies is an essential part of our and our beneficiary’s integrity, and will forever remain fundamental to our business relationships.
In order to also ensure sustainability in beneficiary supply chains, we have established the “Code of Conduct”. It is based on – among others, the UN Global Compact, of which the Chambers Federation is a signatory member. We contractually commit our beneficiaries and expect them to promote these standards to their members.
Chambers Federation is not listed on any U.S. stock exchange and thus not under an obligation to respond to the SEC requirements published in August 2012 and to issue a Conflict Minerals Report. Nevertheless, Chambers Federation continues to exercise its self-appointed duty of care. Chambers Federation, like many other companies, is aware of the difficult situation that products and components purchased from suppliers may contain minerals originating from conflict-affected countries and therefore provides beneficiaries with access to a public reporting portal.
Chambers Federation provides beneficiaries a uniform and enterprise-wide process to determine the use, source and origin of Conflict Minerals in their supply chain. Where necessary, we work with our beneficiaries in order to assist them in remediating risks and perform additional due diligence so that they may continue to source responsibly, building on established management processes.
We do not, however, encourage implementing a de facto embargo on the DRC and adjoining countries in the sourcing of Conflict Minerals. We in fact encourage the aggressive, responsible sourcing of minerals from this region to promote peace and economic stability and therefore eliminating the “conflict” from “conflict minerals”. This is in line with the principles of non-discrimination with regard to supplier selection and treatment and follows the call of several internationally active human rights organizations.
Chambers Federation actively supports and plans to further support the “OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas” as an indirect advisor for the development of the respective Due Diligence processes which expressly recognizes a Risk-Based Due Diligence in the Mineral Supply Chain.
Thank you
Matthew Chambers
President, Chambers Federation
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